Yojson is an optimized parsing and printing library for the JSON format
Yojson is an optimized parsing and printing library for the JSON format.
ydump is a pretty-printing command-line program provided with the yojson package.
Author | Martin Jambon |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Published | |
Homepage | https://github.com/ocaml-community/yojson |
Issue Tracker | https://github.com/ocaml-community/yojson/issues |
Maintainers | paul-elliot@tarides.com, nathan@tarides.com and marek@tarides.com |
Dependencies | |
Source [http] | https://github.com/ocaml-community/yojson/releases/download/2.1.2/yojson-2.1.2.tbz sha256=59f2f1abbfc8a7ccbdbf608894e5c75e8a76006e34899254446f83e200dfb4f9 sha512=309cba7568dec51de20c7ab8df033258c275b8d58b0a36a66b26e673a3bc050cbd7e39ff8fe4796e89263e125bcc21e04dc36a394f3cc201956887eee1fb281a |
Edit | https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/yojson/yojson.2.1.2/opam |
Required by
- 0install>=2.18
- abella>=2.0.8
- acgtk
- archetype
- atd>=2.6.0
- atdgen>=1.13.0 & <2.8.0 | >=2.10.0
- atdgen-runtime>=2.10.0
- avro-compiler
- aws<1.0.0
- aws-config
- aws-s3<4.5.1 | >=4.8.0
- awsm-codegen
- bap-radare2
- belugawith-test & >=1.1
- bitcoin>=3.0
- boulangerie
- builder-webwith-test & >=0.2.0
- caisar
- calculon!=0.5
- calculon-redis-lib
- calculon-web=0.6
- camelot>=1.3.0
- camels
- canary
- catala=0.9.0
- cb-check
- cborwith-test & >=0.3
- cconv-ppxwith-test
- colibrics
- comby-semantic
- commons
- containerswith-test & >=3.9
- coq-lsp
- coq-of-ocaml
- coq-serapi>=8.10.0+0.7.0 & <8.20.0+0.20.0
- current_docker
- current_examples>=0.4
- current_git
- current_github
- current_gitlab
- current_slack
- current_ssh
- current_web>=0.4
- cwe_checker
- dap
- daypack-lib
- dblp-api
- decoders-yojson>=0.7.0
- deriving-yojson
- devkit
- docfd>=2.1.0
- docker-api>=0.2.2
- docker_hub
- dot-merlin-reader<4.6
- dream
- dune-release>=1.4.0
- eio_mainwith-test & >=0.10
- elasticsearch-cli=0.5
- fiat-p256with-test
- fit>=1.2.0
- forester>=3.1.0
- frama-c>=19.0 & <23.0 | >=27.0~beta
- fred
- frenetic
- fstar
- gapi-ocaml>=0.4.3
- gdbprofiler
- gemini
- github!=4.0.0
- github-data
- gitlab
- goblint>=2.0.0
- goblint-cil>=1.8.0
- gopcaml-mode-merlin<0.0.6
- gradescope_submit
- graphql<0.9.0 | >=0.14.0
- graphql-asyncwith-test & >=0.14.0
- graphql-cohttp>=0.13.0
- graphql-lwtwith-test & >=0.14.0
- graphql_ppx
- gremlin
- guardian
- h2with-test
- hacl_x25519with-test
- hilite<0.3.0
- hl_yaml
- hockmd
- horned_worm
- hpackwith-test
- hsluvwith-test
- httph
- index-bench
- ip2location
- ip2locationio
- irmin-bench<3.0.0
- irmin-graphqlwith-test & >=2.2.0
- irmin-tezos
- jasmin
- jhupllib
- jose
- js_of_ocaml-compiler
- jsonrpc<1.6.0
- jsonschema2atd
- jupyter
- jupyter-kernel
- jwto
- kappa-library
- karamel
- kind2
- kremlin<transition
- kubecaml
- lablgtk3-extras>=3.0.1
- lambdapi
- learn-ocaml
- letsencrypt
- letterswith-test
- libsail
- linol>=0.2
- linol-eio
- linol-lwt
- lockfree>=0.3.1
- logs-async-reporter>=1.3
- lsp
- melange-json=1.2.0
- melange-json-native
- merlin=3.8.0 | >=4.6-412
- metadb
- minimalbuild & >=1.1.0
- mirage-crypto-ecwith-test
- mjson
- monorobot
- mopsa
- morbig>=0.11.0
- multicore-bench
- mutaml>=0.2
- nloge
- nsq>=0.2.4
- obuilder
- ocaml-lsp-server
- ocaml-protoc-pluginwith-test & >=6.1.0
- ocaml_db_model
- ocaml_pgsql_model
- ocamleditor>=1.15.2-ocaml414
- ocf
- ocsigen-start
- odoc>=2.0.0 & <2.1.1 | >=2.3.0
- odoc-driver
- oframl
- oidc
- ojs-base
- ojs_base
- ometrics<0.2.0
- opam2web>=2.0
- openai-gym
- openapi
- openapi_router
- openstellina
- opium>=0.19.0
- oraft
- orun
- osh
- ozulip
- pa_ppx
- pandoc
- pbrt_yojson
- pds-reachability>=0.2.3
- petr4
- phylogenetics>=0.2.0
- piece_rope
- pkcs11-driver>=1.0.0
- ppx_deriving_jsonschemawith-test
- ppx_deriving_protocol<0.8.1
- ppx_deriving_yojson>=3.4
- ppx_graphql
- ppx_protocol_convwith-test & <3.1.0
- ppx_protocol_conv_json=3.1.3 | >=5.2.1
- ppx_yojsonwith-test
- ppx_yojson_conv<v0.13.0
- ppx_yojson_conv_lib
- prof_spacetime
- qmp>=0.19.0
- quests
- r2pipe
- radare2
- rdf
- records=0.6.0 | >=1.0.0
- repr-bench
- rpclib>=6.0.0
- rungen
- safemoney
- sail<0.15
- saturnwith-test
- saturn_lockfreewith-test
- satyrographos!=
- semver2with-test
- serde_json
- sihl<0.2.0 | >=0.3.0~rc2
- sihl-core
- slack
- slugdev
- smaws-lib
- smtml>=0.2.2
- spotify-web-api
- starred_ml
- swagger
- SZXXwith-test
- tdigestwith-test & <2.1.0
- testrunner
- textmate-languagewith-test & >=0.3.4
- textrazor>=0.1.1
- tezos-context-hash-irmin
- tidy_email_sendgrid
- timedesc<0.8.0
- timedesc-json
- timere<0.4.0
- u2f
- user-agent-parser
- vecosek
- vercel
- vscoq-language-server
- wasm_of_ocaml-compiler
- webauthn
- why3find
- xapi-rrd>=1.9.0
- yosqlite>=0.2
- zanuda
- zarr
Optionally used by
- cconv
- frama-cbuild & >=17.0 & <19.0
- liquidsoap<2.1.0-1
- maki
- wamp>=1.0 & <1.2